Protecting your privacy
We are committed to providing you with the highest levels of customer service. This includes protecting your privacy.
Set out below is information that we are required to communicate to our customers. We recommend that you keep this information for future reference.
About us
We provide a range of services, either through a particular division of Leea Energy or through one of our related companies – for example, the LJS Heating Cooling and Electrical Services.
Your personal information
Personal information held by us may include your name, current addresses, home ownership details, telephone or mobile phone number, email address, and driver’s licence number. We also hold details of the types of products and quantities installed in your home.
If you choose not to provide certain personal information (e.g. name and address), we may not be able to provide you with the services you require, or the level of service on which we pride ourselves.
How we collect personal information
We collect personal information in a number of ways, including:
- directly from you, for example, when you provide information by phone, in application or assignment forms or other agreements, or when you submit your personal details through our websites
- when you visit our websites.
How we use your personal information
Your personal information may be used to:
- verify your identity;
- provide the services you require;
- administer and manage those services,
- inform you of ways the services provided to you could be improved;
- conduct appropriate checks to guard against fraud;
- inform you of new and innovating energy saving products
Also, your personal information is collected so that we and our related bodies and our dealers can promote and market services to you (including by way of direct mail, telemarketing, email, SMS and MMS messages). This is to keep you informed of products, services and special offers and may continue after you cease acquiring services from us. If you do not wish us, our related bodies to contact you to promote and market products, services and special offers to you, please call us.
We may disclose your personal information to:
- your authorised representatives or your legal advisers (e.g. when requested by you to do so);
- our related companies;
- our professional advisers, including our accountants, auditors and lawyers;
- government and regulatory authorities and other organisations, as required or authorised by law; and
- organisations who manage our business and corporate strategies, including those involved in a transfer/sale of all or part of our assets or business.
Help us to ensure we hold accurate information
We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you provide. That’s why we recommend that you:
- let us know if there are any errors in your personal information; and
- keep us up-to-date with changes to your personal information such as your name or address. You may change your personal details by using the relevant facility on our websites.
You can access your personal information
You have a right to access your personal information, subject to some exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know. You may be required to put your request in writing for security reasons.
We reserve the right to charge a fee for searching for and providing access to your information.